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A N N A ( E T S U K O) T S U R I

Song Books
Music by John Cage
-Production with International Latvian Young Musicians' Master Classes-
Music Director: Vir2UalCage ansamble
Stage Directing and Light Design : Anna Etsuko Tsuri
Pauls Berkolds, Jacqueline Bobak, Asija Ahmetzanova, Alina Aleksejeva, Madara Boka, Margarita Gapcenko, Agnese Karklina, Anete Karklina, Liga Korne, Justine Kulakova, Ruta Lankovska, Leva Lavrinovica, Anastasija Raspopova, Laura Reksne, Vizma Zvaigzne
Video and Sound : Mark Bobak / Supervisor : Dace Aperane
July 21 2012 7 PM at the Sigulda Art and Music School "The White Grand Piano" in Sigulda, Latvia
June 25 2012 8PM at the Spikeri Concert Hall in Riga, Latvia
The Review of the concert is here!
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