A N N A ( E T S U K O) T S U R I

Noli Me Tangere
Music by Filipe P. De Leon
Based on Dr. José Rizal's novel Noli Me Tangere
This production was presented by the Mid-Atlantic Foundation for Asian Artist.
Music Director: Benjamin Dia
Director: Anna Etsuko Tsuri
Senic&Costume designer: Jerry Sibal
Lighting Desinger: Jeff Davis
Crisostomo Ibarra: Sal Malaki, Maria Clara : Brittany Palmer, Padre Damaso: John Andrew Fernendez, Sisa: Antoni Mendezona, Pilosopo Tasio/Binata: Jonathan Estabrooks, Utusan/Alfonso Linares: Blake Burroughts, Tiya Isabel: Katrina Saporsantos, Teniente Guevara/Helper/Civil Guard#1/Don Tiburcio de Espadana: Ulises Solano, Alferes/Manlilibing/Civil Guard#2/Isang Lalaki: Resty Yongco, Padre salvi/Albino: William Lim, Kapitan Tiago: Enrico Lagasca, Don Filipo: Rogelio Penaverde, Basilio/Young Crisostomo Ibarra: Zion Sirilan, Sinang: Rosemarie Flores, Laruja: Edward Cleary, Dona Victorina de Espadana/Ina1: Michelle Kei Ishuu, Ina2: Alma May Hackett, Ina3: Donna Hipolito, Andeng: Lisa Villamaria, Victora: Joy Tamayo, Elias: Roberto Perlas Gomez, Young Maria Clara/ Student1: Rosary Anna DiCanio, Student2: Apollonia Rose DiCanio, Ensemble: Andrew Aggabao, Matthew Aninzo, Krystle Canare, Regina Catipon, Alexis Flores, Deniss Michael, Hona-Hansinger
Stage Manager : David S. Keaton-Cohen, Production and Stage management Liaison: Cristina Sison, Digital Imaging Technician: Jason Tschantre, Language coach: Katrina Saporsantos, Orchestra Manager: Ron Pamposa, Properties: Alexis Kandra, Wardrobe: Cris Ryan, Hair&Make-Up: Maria Torffield, Lisa Villamaria, Technical Director: Paul Frydrychowsky, Associate Lighting Designer: Brian Barnett, Assistant Stage Manager: Lizzie Robinson, Stage Management Intern: Magda De Leon
August 8 and 9 2014, at 8PM at the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, Eisenhower Theater in Washington, DC

La Finta Giardiniera (The Pretend Garden-Girl)
Music by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
-Operakugo style-
This production was supported by the Austrian Culture Center and Japanese Culture Center to celebrate the one hundred forty years of friendship between two nations.
The new style of opera “Operakugo” was created using a combination of Mozart's opera, which is one of the most famous Austrian composer’s music and Rakugo, the Japanese traditional theatre.
It was like a marriage of Austrian and Japanese Cultures.
Music Director : Joji Hattori
Directing and Set Design : Anna Etsuko Tsuri
Il Podestà : Seiji Ishikawa / Sandrina : Mara Mastalir / Il Conte Belfiore : Masatoshi Uehara / Arminda : Tomoko Takahashi / Ramiro : Hermine Haselboeck / Serpetta : Kayoko Matsuo / Nardo : Kazuhisa Tashiro / Monologue : Shinsuke Kokontei
Stage Manager : Seiichi Yagi / Lighting design : Kazuhiro Naruse / Costume : Kozue Hibino (Cooperation with Saitokinen Festival Matsumoto) / Makeup : Yasuko Hoshino / Assistant Conductor : Jun Iisaka, Takuya Nemoto / Language Coach : Anouschka Lara / Assistant Stage Director : Sachi Nemoto / Management : Shukuminetto Ltd. / Cooperation : Tokyo Opera Production / Supervisor : Fumiko Takenaka / Chamber Orchester : Tokyo Ensemble (General Direktor: Joji Hattori)
January 5 and 6 2009 at 18:30 at New National Theatre Tokyo, The Pit in Japan

Erwartung (Expectation)
Music by Arnold Schoenberg
The Schoenberg opera “Erwartung” is a psychological drama of a woman who is lost between reality and a dream life. She passionately searches for her lover amidst confusion, thinking she had killed him or lost him to another lover, yet continues to search for him.
The set and lighting design enhance the personal atmosphere of the opera. The set is built entirely of recycled materials like plastic bottles and old newspapers. Chiaroscuro lighting reveals all nuances of the changing scenes.
Music Director : Ajtony Csaba
Directing, Set Design, Light Design, Costume :
Anna Etsuko Tsuri
„a Woman“ : Charlotte Leitner
Stage manager : Marianna Andreev / Aissistant stage director : Elisabeth Gelinek
Assistant Lighting : Tony Zabsky / Assistant Music Director : Alexander Kral / Makeup : Sonja Grabner / Technic : Kurt Franta / Electric : Herbert Leroch / Management : Robert Simmer
Middle Europa Symphony Orchestra & Sinfonia Piccola
April 28 and 30 2008 at the New Studio Theatre in Vienna

La Cenerentola (Cinderella)
Music by Giachino Rossini Libretto by Jaccopo Ferretti
- Edited by Anna Etsuko Tsuri-
Although Rossini’s original opera, “La Cenerentola”, is based on one of the most traditional fairy tales, it is more complicated than the well-known story such as a step father instead of a step mother, a tutor instead of a witch, a bracelet instead of a glass slipper and a prince who pretends to be a server etc.
Anna’s version is condensed and reverts back to the original simple story of Cinderella that is beloved by children all over the world.
Musical Director : Yumiko Osaragi
Directing, Set Design, Costume, Lighting Design, Music Editing:
Anna Etsuko Tsuri
Cenerentola : Ildiko Gaal & Miwa Asakura / Ramiro : Hristofor Yonov
Donna Magnifica : Nobuaki Kyushiki / Clorinda : Katerina Kuori & Madina Serebryakova / Tisbe : Yoko hara & Spitadi Chrysanthi / Dandini : Helmut Höllriegl & Marco Mascani / Don Alidoro: Riccardo di Francesco /
Fairy-Tale Reader : Isabella Andreev & Sandro Khvedelidze
Stage Manager : Marianna Andreev / Costumdesign : Anna Etsuko Tsuri & Moritz Gottschalk / Makeup : Elisabeth Vollnhofer / Language coach : Dr. Attilio Sanna / Music coach : Alexandrer Kral & Jelena Vojnovic & Hiroyo Masumura /
Assistant of Stage Director : Madoka hayashi
Costumdesign assistance : Julia Pfeiffer and Myra Vrablik
June 29 and 30 2009 at the Probebühne Theatre, Vienna

Hansel and Gretel (short version)
Music by Engelbert Humperdinck Libretto by Adelheid Wette
- Edited by Anna Etsuko Tsuri-
The production is based on the concept of “To Have a life feeling close to your five senses, and integration with the audience and the performers.” The auditorium is decorated and the seats are rearranged as if we were part of the world of “Hansel and Gretel”. The audience’s role is as “forest trees and berry bushes” with translucent leafs and berries. The singers walk and sing among them, sharing the play and the experience of witch magic with the audience!
Music Director : Denis O’Sullivan
Directing, Set Design: Anna Etsuko Tsuri
Gretel : Noriko Yamazaki & Yoshiko Kobayashi
Hänsel : Dora Steinunn Armannsdottir
Mtoher &Witch : Lilianna Zalesinska & Katrin Auzinger
Sand fairy : Elsa Garcia & Alice Waginger
Echo : Maki Arakawa & Mami Enomoto & Emi Okumura
Kuckuck instrument : Yasunori Okumura
Assistant stage director : Yoshiko Kobayashi
Musical assistenz : Emi Okumura & Yumiko Osaragi
Costume : Lila John & Alice Müller,
Technik: Michael Groessing & Günther Kittler & Erich Strobl
Development: Sarah Kanawin
Lighting Technik : Herbert Neustifter & Tonny Zabsky
Chorus Conductor:Angerila Petermichl
Chorus: Deutschwagram Chorus
Manager : Christine Zabsky
Elementary school tour : December 2007 in Vienna
Charity Concert for Down´s syndrome / Cooperation with City Deutsch-wagram in Austria : December 1st 2007 at Volkshaus in Deutsch-Wagram Austria
Premier : December 11 2006 at the Probebühne Theatre, Vienna

Song Books
Music by John Cage
-Production with International Latvian Young Musicians' Master Classes-
Music Director: Vir2UalCage ansamble
Stage Directing and Light Design : Anna Etsuko Tsuri
Pauls Berkolds, Jacqueline Bobak, Asija Ahmetzanova, Alina Aleksejeva, Madara Boka, Margarita Gapcenko, Agnese Karklina, Anete Karklina, Liga Korne, Justine Kulakova, Ruta Lankovska, Leva Lavrinovica, Anastasija Raspopova, Laura Reksne, Vizma Zvaigzne
Video and Sound : Mark Bobak / Supervisor : Dace Aperane
July 21 2012 7 PM at the Sigulda Art and Music School "The White Grand Piano" in Sigulda, Latvia
June 25 2012 8PM at the Spikeri Concert Hall in Riga, Latvia
The Review of the concert is here!

Hansel and Gretel
Music by Engelbert Humperdinck Libretto by Adelheid Wette
-Production with the voice class of M.Boller
at the Music school of St.Pölten in Austria-
Conductor: Jim Edinberg
Directing, Costume, Set and Lighting Design:
Anna Etsuko Tsuri
Gretel : Heidi Bogner(Kilb)/Maria Sodek(St.Pölten),
Hänsel : Petra Hintersteiner(kilb)/ Brigitte Hutterer (St.Pölten),
Vater : Klaus Milchram,
Mutter : Geraldine Schießl (Kilb)/Edeltraud Gösswein(St.Pölten),
Witch : Getraud Rabl( Kilb)/ Bernadette Pirkfellner (St.Pölten)
Sand fairy : Brigit Steiniger
Dew fairy : Michaela Kräftner(Kilb)/ Manuela Hiegesberger( St.Pölten)
Angel : Irena Mutenthaler and Ilona Hagmann
Chorus : Gerlinde Falkensteiner, Johanna Falkensteiner, Corina Gansch, Bettina Gürtl, Natascha Hydn, Manuela Hiegesberger, Gabriele Hochebner, Barbara Janker, Eva Karlinger, Kathrin Klauser, Michaela Kräftner, Nena Kuipers, Elisabeth Neuhauser, Jasmin Pitterle, Angelika Pölzl, Mathilde Pölzl, Heidi Scharner, Birgit Steininger, Hanna Wagner, Martina Wenninger, Isabella Wimmer
June 20 2007 7 PM at the theater K4 in Kilb, Austria
June 22 2007 7:30PM at the Cityhall of St.Pölten, Austria

Die Bergknappen (The Miners)
Music by Ignaz Umlauf
Conductor : Uwe Cernajsek
Directing, Costume and Stage Set : Anna Etsuko Tsuri
Fritz : Gernot Cernajsek / Mr. Walcher : Yasunori Okumura
Sophie : Elke Rüger / Delda(Gypsy) : Maria Sodek
Assisntant stage director : Mike Bremer
Chor und Orchester des Musikverein 1837
May 18 2007 at Bühne im Hof in St. Pölten, Austria

The Telephone or l´amour a trois
Libretto and Music: Gian Carlo Menotti
- cooperation of culture association "Schoeneres Penzing"-
Music Director : Tae-Jung Lee
Directing and Lighting Design : Anna Etsuko Tsuri
Lucy : Sabina Zapier(2006), Dora Steinunn Amannsdottir(2008)
Ben : Jae-hun Chung(2006), Marcell Krokovay(2008)
Juwelier : Emi Okumura, Anna-Miriam Jussel
Set Designer : Jessica Huijnen, Pia Greven / Costume : Lila John
Stage Manager : Yasunori Okumura / Music Director Assistant : Tae - Jung Lee
Assistant Stage Director : Anna- Miriam Jussel, Emi Okumura
Culture Management : Sarah Kanawin
Revival : May 26 2008 at the Probebühne Theatre in Vienna, Austria
City Culture Association : June 27 2006 at Freskensaal of Fuhrmann house, Vienna
Premiere : May 23 2006 at 6 PM at the Probebühne Theatre in Vienna, Austria

Heart to Heart
A Benefit House Concert for the Victims of the Earthquake and Tsunami in Japan
Spencer Myer : Pianist
Rebecca Fromherz : Soprano
Jean-Ronald LaFond : Tenor
Organization : Anna Etsuko Tsuri
We are requesting a 100 percent tax deductible donation of $100 to the Japan Society Earthquake Relief Fund (Japan society.org/earthquake for online donations or check to Japan Society’s Earthquake Relief Fund (you can bring to the concert and we will forward)), where 100 percent of the funds will go to relief “on the ground” in Japan. This is the first of what we hope will be a series of house concerts for earthquake/tsunami victims in Japan. Please note: The Japan Society is sponsoring “A Concert for Japan” on Saturday, April 9th from 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. We all have the same ultimate goal.
April 17th 2011

Rise Again
- the concert for Japan Earthquake Relief-
All the money collected from this event will be donated to Japan Society, the organization that will send 100% of donations directly to organizations in Japan contributing to the relief and recovery effort.
Director : Laiyo Nakahashi
Stage Manager : Anna Etsuko Tsuri
Taiko drumming : New York Taiko Aikokai with Laiyo Nakahashi, Adrienne De Jesus, Reiko Russel /
Dorie Colangelo : Robert Draghi
The Impromptu Impresarios : Jeremy Robin Lyons
Javanna Productions' M.O.V.E. : Nicole Johnson
Assistant Director : Constantine Georgantzas / Assistant Stage Manager : Nori Moriya / Flier Design : Norika Kato / Light Engineer : Javier Suarez / Sound Operation : Engin Ufuk Kaplan / Sound Engineer : Brandon Hollely / Box Office : Michael Cowley, Ai Ikeda / Office of Government : Anthony Achille, David Covington
There will be a Bake Sale by Chika Jenkins, and food and drink
contribution from Cafe One!
Admission: $10 suggested donation However, ANY AMOUNT OF DONATION WILL BE APPRECIATED!!
Wednesday April 20 8pm~10pm (Door open 7:30pm)
At The Great Hall in City College of New York, Shepherd Hall 2nd Floor
(160 Convent Avenue New York, NY 10031)
The Dwarf
- An Independent opera music by Yoaf Gal-
Director : Doug Fitch
Conductor : Peter Szep
Lighting Desinger : Anna Etsuko Tsuri
The Dwarf : Kevin Courtemanche
Lady katherina Kaiser : Judith Barnes
Chanticleer : Scott Lindroth
Mr. B : Tyler Putnam
Mr. T : Glenn Sven Allen
Slietta : Ellie Forman
Scenic Designer : Anna Yates, Technical & Scenic Designer : Derek Connell, Film Artist : Andrei Severny, Stage Manager : Audrey Chait, Assistant to the Director : Kazuma Makihara, Rehearsal Pianist : Matthew Lobaugh
VPR Chamber Ensemble :
Keyboards : Matthew Lobaugh & Saffron Chung
Bass : Jonas Tauber
Drums : Joe Fee
VPR Chorus:
Emma Alexander, Blake Burroughs, Rachel Coates, Sarah Downs, Allegra Durante, Deborah Hooouston, Laura Kolb, Susan Kommel, Tony Mowatt, Robert Lewis, Chitra Raghavan, Ulises Solano, Gregory Spock, Ray Weisbond
Thursday November 21 8pm / Saturday November 23 8pm /
Thursday December 5 8pm / Saturday December 7 8pm 2013
At the Blue Building 222 east 46th street New York, NY 10017

Faurè's Requiem
- A staged concert-
Music Director : Anita Kupriss
Stage Director : Anna Etsuko Tsuri
labyrinth Choir:
Sprano : Elisabeth Gondek / Monica Hatch / Robyn Lamp / Shannon Larkin
Alto : Patrick Dailey, Lisa hadley, Shiba Nemat-Nasser, Krissy Skare
Tenor : Martins Aldins, Kilian Mooney, Daniel Rosensweig, Leslie Tay
Bass : Thadeus Bell, Marc DeMille, Patrick Nay, Frank Walker
Organist : Laurence Carson
Pianist : Suzanne Sheppard
Aritst : Takashi Horisaki
Assistant Conductor : Kate Meifert
Lighting Assistant : Ned Newcomer
Labyrinth Assistant : Pam Branchaud
Saturday November 9 2013 7:30pm
at the Hancock Church, 1912 Mass Ave Lexington, MA/
Saturday November 16 2013 7:30pm
at the St. John the Evangelist, 9 Glen Rd. Wellesley, MA

Hansel and Gretel (Children version)
- at the opera camp for children by Pomme Opera-
Artistic Director & Stage Director : Anna Etsuko Tsuri
Music Director : Ishmael Wallace
Solo Singer : Hayden DeWitt
Violin : Vita Wallace
with Pomme Opera Children Choir
Set Design & props : Eiko Ishikawa
Costume : Anna Etsuko Tsuri
Technic : Yosuke Imai
Assistant Director : Norihito Moriya
Friday March 22 2013 11:30 am
Canal street 466, New York, NY